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Showing posts from July, 2015

Formatting XML in Kate - KDE Editor

TLDR;   Kate is one awesome editor ( If you don't like Vim for its 'CLI'ness ) When working from the command line we can use a handy tool ' xmllint ' to format XML files using its --format option. But it is a tedious task to use it when you have some content in Kate ( more so if it is an unsaved file ) and want to format it. Incase, you don't have xmllint installed, simply hit sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils and that will install it for you. If you use xmllint you would do something like this, Save File ( MySavedFile.xml ) Go to Command Line cat MySavedFile.txt | xmllint --format - > MySavedFile.txt and then reload our file in Kate . If you wish to remain in Kate and get this done then you would need to do, Select text ( Complete or Partial ) Hit ' Ctrl + \ '  or go to Tools -> Filter Text Incase your Kate does not have the option for 'Filter Text' under tools, you just need to enable the 'Text F

Solving "Adobe Flash Player" Issue on Ubuntu (Chromium and Firefox)

I was stuck in this situation where I followed all applied instructions to install/activate Flash Plugin for Chromium (Version 37.0.2062.120 Ubuntu 12.04 (281580) (64-bit)) and Firefox (38.0.5) 1. Download corresponding version of Flash from Adobe Site: 2. Untar and move data to corresponding directories. 3. For some reason, it didn't work. Then after lot of search, I came across this post (Link at end of the article). Basically, what was missing in my case was a symbolic link in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ So basically what we do is, Download the package from mkdir /usr/lib/flash-plugin/ if it does not exist Extract the downloaded tar.gz and copy to / usr/lib/flash-plugin Give chmod 775 /usr/lib/flash-plugin/ Finally, the missing link in my case, cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ ln -s /usr/lib/flash-plugin/ . chmod 775